C-DOT - TSDSI Webinar Series
The National Standards for IoT
05-08 July 2021, Online
A Webinar Series on
The National Standards for IoT (Smart Cities Perspective)
TSDSI and C-DOT are proud to announce a four-day webinar series on “The National Standards for IoT – Smart Cities Perspective” to give an insight into the rich features of oneM2M as well as various aspects of IoT including security, privacy, trust, interoperability and testing in the backdrop of Smart Cities. Our aim is to provide a knowledge sharing platform where foreign and Indian experts from oneM2M, TSDSI, academia, R&D, industry and senior officials from Ministries of Communications, MoHUA and authorities involved in Indian Smart Cities project can interact to share knowledge and experiences.
According to leading Market research organisations, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices worldwide is likely to grow to more than 25.4 billion IoT devices in 2030 which is approximately three times the 8.74 billion devices in 2020. Major industry verticals globally are electricity, gas, water supply & waste management, retail & wholesale, transportation & storage, and government. With the deployment of these and many other use cases, Smart Cities continue to be the largest consumer of IoT applications and are evolving as connected, liveable, energy efficient, adaptive and resilient cities. The global smart cities market size is also expected to grow from US$ 410.8 billion in 2020 to US$ 820.7 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.8%.
However, far too many cities still use a “siloed” approach to smart city applications where individual domains and verticals build individual applications, with little regard to sharing costs, infrastructure and data. This results in lack of interoperability of devices and applications, replicability challenges, proprietary protocols, proprietary software and their interfaces together with proprietary data models that doesn’t permit divergent applications to talk to each other which means virtually zero or limited sharing of data. At the core of all these issues, plaguing the Smart Cities is absence or lack of standardisation. The challenges that cities are facing will not be solved without having clearly defined standards. In India, the Smart City Mission under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) also experienced these challenges while executing the 100 Smart City project and had since been looking up to the Indian Standardisation bodies for ICT Standards which can be used in the Smart Cities in India.
Telecom Standard Development Society of India (TSDSI) took the first step towards IoT standardization and partnered with 7 other global ICT standards development organizations, namely: ARIB (Japan), ATIS (United States), CCSA (China), ETSI (Europe), TIA (USA), TTA (Korea) and TTC (Japan) as partner type 1 of oneM2M -the Global Standard for IoT/M2M. TSDSI transposed the oneM2M Rel2 following its transposition process and handed over to DoT for adoption. Subsequently, the adoption as National Standard was done by TEC following the standardization process, which included wide consultation with the industry, academia, Govt. departments and Standard Development Organisations(SDOs) and detailed deliberations in the Telecom Standards Advisory Committee within TEC. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), under LITD 28 Smart Infrastructure Sectional Committee had also been working towards the standardization of Smart ICT Infrastructure, recently released various ICT standards for the Smart City including the “IS 18004 (Part one): 2021 IoT System Reference Architecture” which also refers to the National Standard published by TEC.
C-DOT, founded in 1984 by the Govt. of India as India’s telecom technology development centre, did pioneering work in bringing about a telecom revolution in the country. C-DOT continues its technical journey. Besides developing various products of cutting edge-technology, C-DOT has also been one of the largest contributors in the technical specifications of oneM2M. C-DOT has also developed oneM2M standards based Common Services Platform (CCSP) for IoT which is of tremendous value to Smart city applications developers.
We believe that the webinar series will be highly beneficial to the decision makers and senior officers of the ministries and cities associated with the smart city projects of India. It will be a great opportunity for industry, including MSMEs, innovators, entrepreneurs and startups.
- 14:00-14:05 : Welcome Address - Mr. N G Subramanian, Chair TSDSI
- 14:05-14:10 : Opening Remarks - Dr. Rajkumar Upadhyay, Executive Director C-DOT
- 14:10-14:20 : Need for a National Standard for IoT Ecosystem in India - Ms. Deepa Tyagi, Sr. DDG, TEC
- 14:20-14:30 : oneM2M Global Context - Mr. Enrico Scarrone, Chair oneM2M Steering Committee
- 14:30-14:40 : Importance of Standards for Smart Cities - Shri Kunal Kumar, Joint Secretary and Mission Director, Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
- 14:40-14:55 : Inaugural Address - Shri Anshu Prakash, Secretary (Telecom), Department of Telecommunications
- 14:55-15:00 : Vote of Thanks - Ms. Shikha Srivastava, Director, C-DOT
- 15:00-15:25 : Overview of oneM2M: The National Standard for IoT - Mr Aurindam Bhattacharya, C-DOT
- 15:25-15:50 : Overview of oneM2M IoT Sustainability Initiative - Mr Girish Ramachandran, Member oneM2M SSC (TCS) and Mr Dale Seed – Vice Chair-oneM2M TP
- 15:50-16:00 : Question & Answers
- 14:00-14:10 : Keynote Address by Session Chair - Shri Bharat Kumar Jog, Member Services, DoT
- 14:10-14:15 : Introduction by Session Moderator - Prof U. B Desai, Vice Chair oneM2M Steering Committee and Advisor Strategy to TSDSI
- 14:15-14:25 : oneM2M in European Smart Cities - Mr Roland Hechwartner, Chair oneM2M Technical Plenary (T-Mobile International Austria)
- 14:25-14:35 : Smart City Standardisation in BIS - Mr. Jayanta Roy Chowdhury, DDG-Standardization BIS
- 14:35-14:45 : oneM2M in Korean Smart Cities - Mr. SeungMyeong Jeong, Vice Chair oneM2M SDS WG (KETI)
- 14:45-15:00 : IoT Standardisation work in TEC - Mr Sushil Kumar, DDG(IoT), TEC
- 15:00-15:10 : Standardised IoT use cases in Smart City - Ms Rama N S , CEO ELCITA
- 15:10-15:30 : oneM2M Release 4 : Preview of new features - Ms Poornima Shandilya, Vice Chair oneM2M SDS WG (CDOT)
- 15:30-15:50 : Semantic Interoperability using oneM2M - Mr. Enrico Scarrone, Chair oneM2M SC (Telecom Italia)
- 15:50-16:00 : Question & Answers
- 14:00-14:10 : Keynote Address by Session Chair - Mr. Vijay Madan, TSDSI
- 14:10-14:20 : Opening Address by Moderator - Mr Sushil Kumar, DDG(IoT), TEC
- 14:20-14:40 : Challenges and mitigation Strategy for IoT Communication Security - Mr. Puspendra Kumar Singh, DDG(Security Assurance), DoT
- 14:40-15:00 : Securing IoT Ecosystem: Standards and Best Practices - Mr. Sharad Arora, MD Sensorise & Vice Chair-SGSS, TSDSI
- 15:00-15:30 : Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT Ecosystem : The oneM2M way - Ms Rana Kamill, BT
- 15:30-15:50 : IoT Security Threat horizon and Indian Preparedness - Mr. G. Narendra Nath, Joint Secretary, NSCS
- 15:50-16:00 : Question & Answers
- 14:00-14:10 : Keynote Address by Session Chair - Ms Pamela Kumar , DG, TSDSI
- 14:10-14:30 : oneM2M based use cases in Smart City Living Lab - Dr. Deepak Gangadharan, IIIT, Hyderabad
- 14:30-14:45 : Interworking framework of oneM2M - Mr Dale Seed, Vice Chair-oneM2M TP
- 14:45-15:05 : 3GPP interworking in oneM2M - Mr Bob Flynn, oneM2M
- 15:05-15:25 : oneM2M Testing Framework and Certification - Mr. Laurent Velez, ETSI
- 15:25-15:40 : Testing and Certification of IoT Ecosystem in India - Mr Prasanth Kumar, DDG(MRA), TEC
- 15:40-15:50 : Question & Answers
- 15:50-16:00 : Takeaways and Way Forward - Prof. U. B. Desai, TSDSI
Registration is now open for the C-DOT - TSDSI Webinar Series. Register Here

Shri Kunal Kumar
Joint Secretary and Mission Director (Smart Cities), MOHUA

Shri Pramod Kumar Tiwari

Shri Bharat Kumar Jog
Member Services, DOT

Mr Enrico Scarrone
Telecom Italia

Shri Narendra Nath
Joint Secretary, National Security Council

Mr Roland Hechwartner
Chairman, oneM2M Technical Plenary

Ms Shikha Srivastava
Director, C-DOT

Ms. Deepa Tyagi

Mr Girish Ramachandran
Member oneM2M SSC (TCS)

Prof U.B Desai

Mr SeungMyeong Jeong

Ms Rama NS
CEO, Electronics City, Bengaluru

Ms Poornima Shandilya
Team Lead C-DOT & Vice Chair oneM2M SDS WG

Mr Vijay Madan

Mr Puspendra Kumar Singh
DDG (Security Assurance), DOT

Ms Rana Kamill

Dr Deepak Gangadharan
IIIT Hyderabad

Mr Bob Flynn

Mr Laurent Velez

Mr Prasanth Kumar

Mr Jayanta Roy Chowdhury
DDG (Standards P&M), BIS