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- C-DOT to become world class telecom technology development centre.
- To design and develop state of the art technologies, products, and solutions.
- To meet the telecom needs of India, particularly of national importance in strategic sectors and rural areas.
- Work on telecom technology products and services.
- Provide solutions for current and future requirements of telecommunication and converged networks including those of national importance especially related to rural applications, strategic sector and security agencies etc.
- Provide market orientation to R&D activities and sustain C-DOT as a centre of excellence.
- Support telcos and service providers in the introduction of new technologies, features and services by optimal utilization of installed networks, pilots and studies.
- Build partnerships and joint alliance with academia, industry, solution providers, Telcos and other R&D organizations to offer cost effective solutions.
- To strengthen the Indian telecom manufacturing base, by transfer of technologies developed by C-DOT.
Dr. Rajkumar Upadhyay

Chief Executive Officer
Beginning the journey with digital switching systems, C-DOT has transversed the complex Telecom landscape, developing products in the area of optical, satellite and wireless communication from circuit switching technology of yester years, C-DOT has proven its expertise in ATM and Next Generation Networks. From a purely hardware development Centre it has diversified into development of Telecom software solutions like IN, NMS, Data Clearing House etc. and has journeyed from a protected environment of closed market to an open and competitive market. C-DOT has evolved, from a single mission oriented organization to an R&D centre, working on several important, cutting edge technologies. And, with the support it has been receiving from the Government, especially in Projects of National Importance, the Centre will strive to maintain its National relevance. Nearly 50% of present fixed line infrastructure, after allowing MNCs entry into the Telecom Market is from C-DOT technology and that in itself is a testimony to the Centre achieving its objectives fully. That C-DOT engineers have been striving to add value through regular up gradation to the fixed line infrastructure is a tribute to the commitment of C-DOTians to the original cause.