
Centre for Development of Telematics

Telecom Technology Centre of Govt. of India

 Employee Development

C-DOT provides several opportunities for learning for employees through ways like regular encouragement to perform multi-functional responsibilities, exposure to state-of-the-art technologies, tools & instruments and also several opportunities to participate in International Exhibitions and Seminars. C-DOT is a member of various international bodies like International Telecommunication Union, ATM Forum, Object Management Group, Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Consortium (TINA-C), Frame Relay Forum. Besides this C-DOT also encourages (& Sponsors) the employees to take individual memberships of national & international professional bodies. Access to latest scientific and technical information is a crucial instrument for any R&D activity. Hence, C-DOT has excellent library facilities at the Campus. The library comprises of over 30,000 books, 300 periodicals and magazines, 20 leading newspapers, newsletters and conference proceedings. The Library in C-DOT also has facilities like - CD-ROM databases, CD- NET systems, video/ audio tapes, microfiches/films, cartridges, etc. A user can access the library information system from his desk itself.

Opportunities for Education & Training : No budgetary restrictions for training sponsorships; regular in-House training programmes, education & training programmes in areas of future technologies, skills & competencies; permissions & sponsorships to do part-time courses like M.Tech, PhD; in-house Post Graduate Diploma on Technology Management (equivalent to MBA) are some of the ways by which employees are provided with the opportunities for education & training.

Besides a conducive work environment, C-DOT provides Avenues & Opportunities for Career Growth. C-DOT provides a career path for professionals which allows them to take on managerial roles or become experts in their respective areas. The pay scale promotions & Responsibility promotions are delinked in C-DOT. This will enable employees to take higher responsibilities even when they are joining at a lower pay scale (or vice versa).

Employee Perks & Benefits

  • Lease Accommodation facility in lieu of House Rent allowance
  • Conveyance: Subsidized transport facility for pick-up & drop. In case of staff intending to use their own vehicle (car or scooter), monthly petrol reimbursement & vehicle maintenance allowance is provided, within the prescribed entitlements
  • Children Education allowance
  • Reimbursement of monthly newspaper expenditure
  • Telephone & Internet connection expenditure reimbursed on functional basis
  • Leave Travel Concession
  • Reimbursement of Professional Body Membership, both national and international
  • Reimbursement facility towards Purchase of professional books and journals