सी-वानी ऐप
Any company providing a software application and backend authentication infrastructure for users to signup, discover WANI compliant Wi-Fi hotspots, and do single-click connect from within the app. This app allows users to create a profile, do their KYC (mobile verification), and allow setting up preferences for MAC-IDs for various accessing devices and payment methods. This app should allow users to discover WANI compliant hotspots and connect to it. In addition, App Provider must offer a backend user authentication service that is called by Wi-Fi Captive Portal software whenever user connects to obtain a signed user profile. C-DOT is offering APP as Platform as a Service (PaaS) with nominal payment of Rs. 10,000/- Customization offered by C-DOT
- Look and feel of the APP as per APP provider’s logo and company name
- Register your company or association on SaralSanchar website (https://saralsanchar.gov.in/)
- Fill-up the form on CR (https://pmwani.cdot.in) using E-mail id, Mobile and SaralSanchar Registration
- Contact C-DOT for signing NDA for App
- C-DOT will provide the relevant software on the cloud
- Mobile OTP KYC of the User
- User profile creation during signup as per WANI Architecture specification
- Discovering nearby WANI compliant access points as per the data available with Central Registry
- Handling of WANI tokens as per the WANI Architecture specifications
App is available on Google PlayStore for Andriod 9 and above phones
- Cloud Infrastructure provide by C-DOT
- Customization of APP as per customer inputs
- Integration with API of bulk SMS as provided by customer
- Testing of the customized App
- Hosting the App backend on the cloud
- Certification of App Provider
- Providing basic training of managing the App backend
- Monitoring of the App backend stack
- Software bug fix/support for APP
- Software upgrade of APP backend
- DLT Registration for SMS
- Providing inputs for customization of the APP
- Creating an Android account to host the App
- Hosting the tested App
- Certification of App Provider
- Mobile OTP KYC of the User
- User profile creation during signup as per WANI Architecture specification
- Discovering nearby WANI compliant access points as per the data available with Central Registry
- Handling of WANI tokens as per the WANI Architecture specifications
- Cloud Infrastructure provide by C-DOT
- Customization of APP as per customer inputs
- Integration with API of bulk SMS as provided by customer
- Testing of the customized App
- Hosting the App backend on the cloud
- Certification of App Provider
- Providing basic training of managing the App backend
- Monitoring of the App backend stack
- Software bug fix/support for APP
- Software upgrade of APP backend
- DLT Registration for SMS
- Providing inputs for customization of the APP
- Creating an Android account to host the App
- Hosting the tested App
- Certification of App Provider