Terrestrial to Wi-Fi Gateway
Products / Broadcast and Converged Solutions / Terrestrial to Wi-Fi Gateway

This solution from C-DOT is currently the only Receiver enabling reception of DVB-T/T2 signals from Doordarshan Digital Transmitters to users’ mobiles using Wi-Fi without the need for a Broadband backhaul. This has unique features those are presently not available in other receivers for Doordarshan’s Digital Transmitters.
This solution can be widely used in moving cars, Buses, Gram Panchayats, etc. for reception of Digital Terrestrial signals in a user friendly and in commonly available devices such as Mobiles, Tablets, etc.
- Receives DVB-T/T2 signals
- Support as Wi-Fi Access Point in 802.11 b/g/n modes
- Supports Gigabit Ethernet Interface
- Supports streaming over Wi-Fi/ Ethernet
- Supports Android OS (AOSP)
- 2X USB 2.0
- Low power consumption ‐ 7 Watts (Approx.)
- Input Power: 12V DC @1.5A Max
- Receives DVB-T/T2 signals
- Support as Wi-Fi Access Point in 802.11 b/g/n modes
- Supports Gigabit Ethernet Interface
- Supports streaming over Wi-Fi/ Ethernet
- Supports Android OS (AOSP)
- 2X USB 2.0
- Low power consumption ‐ 7 Watts (Approx.)
- Input Power: 12V DC @1.5A Max