CCSP for IoT/M2M

CCSP is an indigenous software platform for enabling M2M/IoT communication. It is based on oneM2M specifications which is the Global Standard for M2M / IoT Communication. The solution set is comprising of 1. CCSP for Field Domain Nodes : • M2M Devices i.e. ASN (Application Service Node) and • M2M gateways i.e. MN (Middle Node) 2. CCSP for Infrastructure Domain : • IN (Infrastructure Node) CCSP is a Common M2M/IoT service layer, which sits between the application layer and the network layer.
• Registration • Security • Discovery • Subscription and Notification • Group Management • Data Management and Repository • Location • Device Management • It is a S/W layer which sits between M2M applications and HW/SW. It provides interoperability, data sharing, scalability, flexibility and security. Agnostic to the underlying network at the core as well as the M2M area network. • Supports HTTP, CoAP, MQTT for communication with the Application.
oneM2M Standards
M2M and IoT applications in • Smart Cities • Smart Villages • Smart Homes • Smart Industry Examples of such applications are Smart Living, Smart Street Light Management, Intelligent Transport System, Smart Agriculture, Industrial IoT Applications, Centralized Fire Alarm management system, Vehicle and goods tracking system etc.
• C-DOT Common Service Platform has been tested for Interoperability at various test events organized by oneM2M in South Korea , Taiwan and Japan. • oneM2M Developers Event for IoT Startups & Companies on 25-26 April 2019 at Hotel Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru.